Known Issues


1. Bibliography exclusion may not work properly when tables are appended after the Bibliography of a document and a cell of the table contains a Bibliography keyword (i.e. References, Works Cited, Bibliography). 

This is due to the bibliography exclusion logic excluding all matches after the last instance of a bibliography keyword on its own line. The submission processor extracts table cells onto their own line thereby making a cell with a bibliography keyword a candidate for the exclusion logic

  • A fix was released on February 16th 2015 for this issue. Although we fixed the main issue which was our system identifying the bibliography keyword in a table cell as the exclusion keyword there is still a known issue with our system not consistently identifying the bibliography keyword when line numbering is used within a document.

2. PDF text encoding issues

Some pdf generation software may encode text in such a way that the text in the PDF displays correctly but when trying to copy and paste the text or extract the text from the document, the text is garbled characters

We have an open engineering task to reject files with text encoding issues

3. Graphic rich files with vector images may fail to process (-9 error)

Our processing system has a timeout length of 6 minutes. If files exceed this limit the submission will fail

4. Errors caused by PDFs that have a prompt when opened (-3000 error)

If a PDF when opened has a prompt asking the user to click OK to view the PDF this will cause the submission to fail in iThenticate

5. Submissions of PDFs that are images will produce a submission error since the file does not contain text 

If a cover page is attached to the beginning of a pdf that is an image the system will only scan the cover pages since it is the only text that can be extracted from the system 

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