International law firm Ropes and Gray is currently facing a $82.5 million plagiarism law suit, filed by their former client Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
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International law firm Ropes and Gray is currently facing a $82.5 million plagiarism law suit, filed by their former client Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
One of the continued trends from previous years was the decline of traditional print circulation:
Are recent incidents of newspaper plagiarism examples of Nature, something that would ‘naturally’ occur due to the inadvertent duplication of content, or Nurture, where plagiarism is happening because of the publishing environment writers are placed in?
There has been a recent series of plagiarism incidents coming out of news publications, from within large organizations like the New York Times to smaller ones like the Daily Beast.
In a February 10 blog, Gerald Posner did his best to explain an onslaught of plagiarism accusations, and his subsequent resignation from The Daily Beast.
The New York Times is considered America’s premiere news publication. The paper was established in 1851 and has consistently published some of the best work since its inception, including a large number of Pulitzer prize awarded pieces. The Times has a reputation for journalistic integrity and an eye for detail. The New York Times is also one of the largest papers in the world, publishing a large volume of content everyday both in print and online distribution formats.
For the most part, accurate plagiarism detection is currently limited to text content. iThenticate allows publishers, law firms, corporations and others to accurately scan massive databases for duplicate and plagiarized content.
A recent case of plagiarism emerged from the Daily Beast online news site late last week. Daily Beast author Gerald Posner admitted to copying several sentences from a piece in the Miami Herald.
Poetry is a literary form that depends on unique content. Poems are distinguished on various levels of theme, verse, form and rhyme, with the end goal of leaving a reader with a message or emotional response to the written language.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a relatively new field that has grown symbiotically with the popularity of large search engines like Google.
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