Read the most up-to-date information on the integrity of the research across industries, publishing in top journals, reputation and much more.
In this exclusive interview, researcher and co-editor-in-chief of an Elsevier scientific journal, Peter Blau, shines light on why miscondcut, particularly self-plagiarism, is a serious concern in research and publishing.
CEO and founder Allen Narcisse of Ebyline, a service that allows qualified, experienced journalists to connect with editors and publications, spoke to us about his perspective on plagiarism. Being positioned between writers and editors, Narcisse discusses how big of a problem he thinks plagiarism is and why he thinks its a growing concern.
A report by iThenticate titled, "Rising Tide of Plagiarism and Misconduct in Medical Research," is now available.
For matters of plagiarism, 2012 will be a year that will live in infamy. With a “summer of sin” that spilled well over into the autumn and winter months It was certainly not a quiet year when it comes to plagiarism.
Esteemed editor for the Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP), Charon Pierson, shares her experiences with plagiarism and misconduct within nursing and medical research, within publishing, and within teaching. Jason Chu from Turnitin speaks with Charon about medical publication ethics and how editors and researchers can avoid plagiarism.
Eric Hoppe, Content and Product Manager at Constant Content, one of the Internet's largest and most established marketplaces for SEO friendly content, spoke to iThenticate about its reasons for implementing a stringent plagiarism screening process into its editorial review.
What is the best point to check for plagiarism within a journal's editorial workflow? Sarah McCormack, editorial manager at the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), spoke with us about the types of modifications they have tested in their editorial workflow (to check submitted articles) before settling on the most logical and successful point.
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